Asians Might Learn ProxThink Quicker?


“Americans are more likely to see categories. Asians are more likely to see relationships.” So says David Brooks in his recent op-ed Harmony and the Dream. He is using scientific experiments as sources, and he also says: “Americans usually see individuals; Chinese and other Asians see contexts.”

Individuals and categories (Americans) are more like the ProxThink term element. Relationships and contexts (Asians) are more like the ProxThink terms relationship and proximity. And once you see relationships and proximity, you’re likely to see elements too.

It’s important to note ProxThink doesn’t favor the proximity, since the proximity consists of elements related or potentially related to a situation, in physical, mental and other ways. In other words, the proximity is both elements and relationships. Further, you are aware of the proximity when you are aware of elements and relationships and the situation.

So maybe Americans could benefit more from ProxThink, but Asians will learn to use it faster? Perhaps. But you never know. There are limits to these sorts of generalizations.

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